Gases and Value-adding Services for Display Manufacturers

Supporting Display Manufacturers Worldwide

Flat-panel TV screens on a store shelf
Rising Demand for Flat Panels

The manufacture of flat-panel displays requires the large-scale supply of ultra-pure gases. With dynamic growth in this competitive sector, affordability, reliability and the flexibility of local supplies backed by a global supply chain are paramount. And as with all sectors of the electronics industry, pressure to minimize and eliminate greenhouse gases, especially those used in chamber cleaning, is rising.

We can support you with the full range of gases required to manufacture flat-panel displays - delivered through our extensive gas infrastructure spanning the globe, including dedicated process gas production facilities in key locations around the world. These gases are available in combination with full turnkey project execution if required.

Flat-panel display manufacturer
Our Offering for the Display Industry
  • Cost-effective bulk gas supply including large-scale on-site SPECTRA® N high-purity nitrogen generators, providing an extremely cost-effective and reliable way to supply ultra-pure nitrogen in the large qualities needed by display manufacturers. With gas impurity levels below 1 ppb, SPECTRA N generators consume less power than conventional generators and also provide excellent turn-down capabilities to meet facility ramp-up requirements
  • Dedicated comprehensive electronics specialty gases portfolio and global supply chains for the display industry
  • High-purity nitrous oxide (N2O) gas facilities in key regions to support the next generation of display technology
  • On-site GENERATION F® fluorine generators for chamber cleaning. These solutions can help manufacturers to lower their carbon footprint while also giving peace of mind due to security of supply, especially for > Gen 10 manufacturing fabs
Gases for the Display Industry
Bulk gases         Electronics specialty gases
Argon         Cleaning (fluorine and nitrogen trifluoride) 

Carbon dioxide

        Deposition (ammonia, nitrous oxide and silane)
Helium         Doping (diborane and phosphine)  
Hydrogen         Etching (boron trichloride, chlorine, octafluorocylobutane, pentafluoroethane, sulfur hexafluoride and tetrafluoromethane) 
Nitrogen         Laser (fluorine/hydrogen, hydrogen chloride/hydrogen/neon, krypton, neon and xenon)  

Leading Supplier of Bulk and Electronics Gases in Asia

Building on our position as a leading gas supplier to the Asian electronics market, and capitalizing on the growth of the display industry in countries such as China, we have become the leading supplier of bulk and electronics specialty gases to China’s flat-panel display industry. We have been awarded major bulk gas supply contracts by the three largest display manufacturers in China for their Gen 8.5 facilities to help make their display manufacturing processes greener and more cost-effective. We executed on-site and bulk gas projects for the first two Gen 8 TFT-LCD fabs in China.

These turnkey projects include the full gas infrastructure and supply of the actual gases. Benchmark projects such as these demonstrate our commitment to enabling growth in the rapidly expanding display market through best-in-class gas technologies and innovations.

Do you need more information?

Discover how process gases can positively impact your process efficiency