Discover how you can boost your chemical production with our oxygen enrichment solutions
Oxygen is a simple, effective way to reduce emissions and save fuel in refining operations. When properly introduced into the combustion process, oxygen can increase productivity and save fuel without increasing nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions.
At Linde, we have pioneered the use of oxygen enrichment (O2e) in many industrial combustion applications to help you meet your financial and environmental goals. And because every customer has unique needs and requirements, our engineers will work with you to tailor our oxygen combustion technology, from low levels to 100% O2.
Discover how you can boost your chemical production with our oxygen enrichment solutions
Find out how oxygen enrichment can help debottleneck Claus furnaces with the added bonus of increasing the effectiveness of ammonia destruction
Use oxygen-enhanced combustion to increase the amount of spent sulfuric acid your sulfuric acid regeneration (SAR) plant can process